Data protection information

Data protection information

Section 1: Introduction and general information

Text module Summary
About us and our website

We, BSH Home Appliances Limited, Grand Union House, Old Wolverton Road, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5PT operate this website. Please use the contact information provided on the Company Information page to contact us.


If you get in touch with us, we will store and process the information you provide for the purpose of handling your enquiry and any follow-up questions. We will delete your information once your enquiry has been handled.

Our contact information can be found on the Company Information page
Our guiding principles

We take protecting your information very seriously. Your data is therefore processed with great care and in strict compliance with applicable data protection law. Organisational and technical security measures have been taken to protect all of our websites against the risks present in processing personal data. Our partners who support us in the provision of this website must comply with these provisions as well.

We and our partners employ the latest technical safeguards to protect your data.
What we log as standard

You can use all the areas of our website that are not access-protected without disclosing your identity. We log every use of our website as standard in order to prevent attacks, remedy faults and investigate security incidents. You can find more about our log data in the section “How we process your data”.

Which permissions do we have to process your data

We respect your privacy. Consequently, we only process your data when we are permitted to do so.

You will find a summary of the relevant statutory authorisations, on which we base the data processing, at the end of this information.

Of course you can also give us permission to process your data by opting in to the corresponding data processing on our website. In other cases, we process your data because we are permitted to do so by law. If, for example, you place an order through our website, we are permitted to process your data in order to fulfil that contract.

The same applies when you make use of other services on our website that require your data to be processed. We are also permitted to process your data when we have a legitimate interest in doing so. One example of this is the log data that we collect in order to ensure that e.g. our website can be operated without defects (including the technical provision of the website). In any case, we will inform you about the corresponding processing of your personal data and, of course, your interests will always be taken into account in any such processing. In case that you have questions to your personal data, you can find your rights regarding the processing of your personal data in the latter section of this Data Protection Information.

The permissions we make use of, and when, are outlined in the following section. You can find more detailed information on how your data is collected, processed and used on our website (i.e. the type, scope and purpose of data processing) in the same section.

What else you should know:

Users below the age of 16 should only transmit personal data to us with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. The data protection law that applies may result in different age limits in this regard.

Our website may contain links to websites, which are not provided by us. We have no influence over how your data is processed on these websites or their compliance with provisions on data protection. Please note any Data Protection Information they provide.

We only process your data when we are permitted to do so.

Section 2: Data processing on the website

Text modules Summary
How we process your data (Presentation of the website, logs, cookies, tracking etc) In this section we describe which data we process during the use of our website including the services offered there and for which purposes this data is used.
Presentation of the website log data

In order to display the website on your internet browser, we use various technical devices to ensure that all content (text, images, video, etc.) is always up to date. To ensure that your user experience, in particular the loading speed of the website, is improved at all times, we also use technical service providers who enable us to provide the content required for the presentation of the website (so-called “Content Delivery Networks” or CDN). These technical CDN service providers act on our behalf and are bound to our instructions by corresponding agreements. The data collected in this way will only be used to display the contents of the website in your internet browser and will be deleted immediately after intermediate storage within the scope of delivery.

For technical reasons, each time your internet browser accesses our website it automatically sends information to our web server (i.e. log data). We store some of this information in log files, such as:

  • Date of the access
  • Time of the access
  • URL of the website
  • Version of the HTTP protocol used.
  • Files accessed
  • Volume of data transferred
  • Internet browser type and version
  • Type of the operating system
  • IP address (anonymised)

Log data does not contain personal data. We only analyse log data event-driven when required, especially in order to remedy faults in the operation of our website or clarify security incidents. We store this log data indefinitely.

It may be necessary for us to collect additional the IP address of the device as well as log data in order to remedy faults or preserve evidence relating to security incidents. We delete this data once the fault has been remedied or the security incident has been clarified in full, or if the original purpose of the processing no longer exists due to other factors. In the event of a security incident, we will transmit log data to the investigating authorities on a case-by-case basis, to the extent permitted and necessary.

We store such log data separately from other data collected that relates to the use of our website.

The data specified here are necessary to provide the website including the services offered there and to enable safe use to the website and its services.
Registering on our website

Required details:

  • Title
  • First and last name
  • E-mail address
  • Password

Optional details:

  • Landline number
  • Mobile number

We store registered users’ data until the user deletes their account. Registered users can delete their accounts at any time via the settings of their user account. The user account also allows users to change or delete specific information provided at the time of registration at any time.

Registered users can access services.
Contacting us

If you contact us outside of a concrete contractual relationship (e.g. for an order) or a registration, we provide various, also purely technical contact possibilities via our websites, including the possibility to contact us e.g. via (automated) chat.

In order to be able to process your specific request when making such contact, we may ask you to provide personal data. This includes, for example, your name and email address and other information such as the subject of your request and your message. Optional postal address and/or telephone number can be given. We collect the information requested in order to be able to deal with your request in an appropriate way.

The personal data transmitted to us in this way are used exclusively for the purpose for which you provide them to us when contacting us – in particular the processing of your request. The data will not be used for other purposes or passed on to third parties without your express consent. Excluded from this are – insofar as it is necessary to fulfil your request – the persons and companies (e.g. local service company) involved in carrying out the communication and answering the request. If there are no legal storage obligations, your personal data will be deleted after the request has been processed.

If you contact us, we will only use your data to process your request.


Participation in events
When you register for an event, we store and use the information you provide in order to run the event and complete any follow-ups. The data we collect for this purpose depends on the registration form on the event page in question. Your information is deleted once it is no longer required to run the event or complete any follow-ups.Some events require to pay the participation fee directly or are completely or partially supervised and carried out by our partners. In such a case you may be redirected to the website of the respective partner. In this case, the relevant payment details (last name, first name, postal address, number of participants, means of payment) are transmitted to our partner to carry out the event/payment process, provided you have already provided it.


Our social media pages

The protection of your privacy when processing personal data is important to us. We process personal data transmitted to us, which is collected during your visit to our respective social media page (e.g. Facebook Fanpage, Instagram/Pinterest Page), confidentially and only in accordance with the statutory provisions.

Responsible for the processing of your data via our social media site is the respective operator of the social media site (see examples below) together with us. As far as the processing of these data takes place within our area of responsibility, we are available to you in all questions concerning data protection and the exercise of your rights in accordance with the information in this data protection information.

Data processing by the Social Media Service

The social media service processes your personal data as soon as you use our respective social media site. Processing is linked, for example, to the following usage processes:

  • View a page or post or video from a page
  • Subscribe or unsubscribe to a page
  • Mark a page or post with “I like” or “I don’t like anymore” or similar functions
  • Recommend a page in a post or comment
  • Comment on, share or respond to a page post (including the type of response)
  • Hide a page contribution or report as spam
  • From another site, click on the social media provider or from a Web page outside the social media provider on a link that leads to the page.
  • Move the mouse over the name or profile picture of a page to see a preview of the page contents.
  • Use functions of the social media provider, such as the website, phone number, “plan route” button or any other button on a page.
  • The information whether the login is made via a computer or a mobile device.

You can find out which personal data is collected by the social media provider, how it is processed and which data protection rights you have vis-à-vis the social media provider in the following data protection guidelines of the social media provider. We have no influence on the data processing by the social media provider following the survey.

Data processing by us

On the website provided by us via the social media provider, the social media provider grants us access to the following data categories:

  • The social media provider grants us access to statistical analyses that provide information about the use of our social media website. The analyses visible to us do not allow us to individually analyze the usage behavior of individuals. We can only view aggregated data (such as number of hits, likes, followers, region of origin, age group, gender, etc.) that tells us about our audience and the use of our social media site. The data of the respective user on which the analyses are based are not transmitted to us.
  • We can set the target group to be reached for the social media website or for individual published articles. The setting is based on general parameters (e.g. age group, language, region, interests) that can be used to align our content with specific groups. It is not possible for us to address or identify individual persons on the basis of the data provided to us by the social media provider.
  • If you contact us directly via the social media provider or interact with us in any other way and consciously transmit personal data (e.g. direct networking with our social media website), we store and process this personal data for the purposes for which you transmitted it to us.
  • We process this data exclusively for the purpose of making content on our social media website known to the target group and to better understand and optimise the use of our social media website.

In addition, we cannot influence the data processing (for the provision of this data upstream) by the social media provider.

Which personal data is collected from the respective social media provider in detail, how these are processed and which data protection rights you have vis-à-vis the respective social media provider, please refer to the following data protection guidelines of the respective social media provider:

a) Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA;; Facebook has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield.

b) Twitter, Inc., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, California 94103, USA; Twitter has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield.

c) Instagram, provided by Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland,

d) Pinterest Europe Ltd., Palmerston House, 2nd Floor, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, Ireland,

e) Snapchat for countries of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland: SNAP GROUP LIMITED 7-11 Lexington Street, London, United Kingdom, W1F 9AF and for all other countries: SNAP Inc, 2772 Donald Douglas, Loop North Santa Monica, CA 90405 United States, USA. The SNAP Inc has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield.

f) LinkedIn for countries of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland: LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland and for all other countries: LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 W. Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA. The LinkedIn Corporation has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield.

g) Xing SE, Dammtorstrasse 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany,
Information on the EU-US Privacy Shield can be found at


What types of cookies we use and how they work


Cookies are small text files that are stored in a special memory area of your browser. However, cookies cannot be used to start programs or transfer viruses to a computer. Cookies are set when you visit our website or a so-called pixel-code/web beacon causes a cookie to be set. However, cookies can only be read by the web server of the same domain from which they were originally set.

You can also view our website without cookies. Internet browsers are regularly set to accept cookies. In order to prevent the use of cookies by your internet browser, you can deactivate the use of cookies via the settings of your internet browser and delete cookies that have already been set. The help functions of your internet browser tell you how to deactivate and delete cookies in your browser. Please note that the deactivation/deletion of cookies may result in individual functions of our website no longer functioning as expected. Cookies, which may be required for certain functions of our website, are shown below. In addition, the deactivation/deletion of cookies only affects the internet browser used here. For other internet browsers, the deactivation/deletion of cookies must therefore be repeated accordingly.

In addition, there are various ways to prevent the setting of certain cookies either by selecting them in our tracking banner or individually to the respective service provider whose tools we use for certain purposes. We point out the latter possibility to you in direct connection with the respective tool.

Session cookies

As part of the provision of our websites, we use session cookies which we store on your device when you visit our website – regardless of your selection as part of the tracking banner – and which are always deleted automatically when you close the internet browser (i.e. close the program). This enables us to provide you with various functions on our website using the information in the cookies.

We use the following session cookies, which we use for certain functions, which do not contain personal data, for the following purposes:

  • to ensure the failure free playback of video or audio content (for example, to play Vimeo or Youtube Videos);
  • temporarily store certain user inputs (e.g. contents of a shopping basket or an online form);
  • improvement of user-friendliness and statistical range measurement.

Session cookies, which we use for certain functions, with personal data:

  • Session cookies that are used to temporarily identify or authenticate a user (e.g. by a session ID to temporarily save the contents of the shopping basket);

Session cookies are automatically deleted after the internet browser is closed, at the latest, however, at the end of the life-span of the respective cookie.

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies are cookies that remain stored on your device, even after you have closed your internet browser. We use the information in these cookies to provide you with convenient functions on our website (e.g. to save certain user preferences or for search or language settings), but also to collect your usage behaviour on our website and to use this information to improve our website (e.g. to detect errors) and to personalise advertising for you.

Persistent cookies with personal data to collect your usage behaviour are only processed with your consent, which you can give us the first time you visit our website via the tracking-banner displayed there. You can revoke your consent to the processing of your usage behaviour at any time by deleting all cookies set in your internet browser. In this case, however, it may be necessary to make a new decision about using cookies for the aforementioned purpose via the tracking-banner. You can also revoke your consent to individual web analytics/marketing tools, as shown hereinafter.

Data from persistent cookies are stored until the end of the term of the respective cookie or until the cookies are deleted by you.

Our website uses cookies and in this section we explain to you which types of cookies we use and which data are created and processed
Transmission to recipients outside the EEA

We also transmit personal data to recipients based outside of the EEA, in so-called third countries. In this case, we ensure ‒ before any data is shared ‒ that either an appropriate level of data protection is maintained by the recipient (e.g. on the basis of an adequacy decision made by the EU Commission for the respective country or the agreement of standard EU contractual clauses between the European Union and the recipient) or that you have given your consent to said sharing.

We are happy to provide you with an overview of the recipients in third countries and a copy of the specific provisions agreed to ensure an appropriate level of data protection. To request this, please use the contact information provided in the Section “Your point of contact for all questions relating to data protection” this Data Protection Information above.

Your point of contact for all questions relating to data protection

If you have any questions relating to data protection or exercising your rights, you can use the following contact information to get in touch with our data protection officer directly:

BSH Hausgeräte GMBH
Data Protection Officer
Carl-Wery-Str. 34
81739 Munich

Please do not hesitate to contact our data protection officer if you have questions relating to data protection.
Changes to this Data Protection Information

This Data Protection Information reflects the current state of data processing on our website. In the event of changes to data processing, this Data Protection Information will be updated accordingly. We always provide the latest version of this Data Protection Information on our website so that you can find out about the scope of data processing on our website.


Supplementary information according to REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR)
Text module


If you reside in Northern Ireland   

Supplementary information according to REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data (UK GDPR)


Legal basis for data processing

We base the above data processing operations on

  • a legal permit in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b of Regulation (EU) 2016/679:
    • Registration on our website
    • Participation in raffles/contests
      Participation in surveys, reviews
    • Participation in events
    • Use our website as a business partner
  • a legal permit in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f of Regulation (EU) 2016/679:
    • Technical providing for the presentation of the website (e.g.
    • Content Delivery Networks)
    • Additional website functions (e.g. product videos, Issu flip catalogue)
    • log data
    • Contact us
    • Session cookies and persistent cookies for convenience features
    • Web Analysis & Marketing
      • Adobe Analytics
      • Adobe Test & Target
  • Your consent pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679:
    • Persistent cookies for recording usage behaviour
    • Web Analysis
    • DoubleClick
    • Google Ads & Remarketing


Your rights

If you have any questions about your personal data, you will find a description of your rights below:

Unsubscribe from receiving promotional communications:

Exercise of your data protection rights

Please use the following contact channels for your requests:

  1. Consumers: Please use the Consumer Data Request Webform on
  2. Dealer/supplier/service providers and its employees: Please contact our local sales or procurement department
  3. Our employees: Please contact the local HR department
  • Your right to information about your data: We will provide you with information about the data we hold about you on request.
  • Your right to correct and complete your data: We will correct inaccurate information about you if you notify us accordingly. We will complete incomplete data if you notify us accordingly, provided this data is necessary for the intended purpose of processing your data.
  • Your right to delete your data: We will delete the information we hold about you on request. However, some data will only be deleted subject to a defined period of retention, for example because we are required to retain the data by law in some cases, or because we require the data to fulfil our contractual obligations to you.
  • Your right to have your data blocked: In certain legally determined cases, we will block your data if you would like us to do so. Blocked data is only further processed to a very limited extent.
  • Your right to withdraw consent: You can withdraw consent given for your data to be processed with effect for the future at any time. The legality of processing your data remains unaffected by this up to the point at which your consent is withdrawn.
  • Your right to object to the processing of your data: You can object to the processing of your data with effect for the future at any time, if we are processing your data on the basis of one of the legal justifications set out in article 6(1e or 1f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. In the event that you object we will cease processing your data, provided that there are no compelling and legitimate grounds for further processing. The processing of your data for the purposes of direct marketing never constitutes compelling and legitimate grounds for us.
  • Your right to data portability: At your request, we can make certain information available to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  • Your right to appeal to a regulatory authority: You can lodge an appeal pertaining to data protection with a data protection authority. To do so, contact the data protection authority responsible for your place of residence or the data protection authority under whose jurisdiction we fall (named below).

The Information Commissioner’s Office
Water Lane, Wycliffe House
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Tel. +44 1625 545 745



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